Seamless visitor management with your access control system

Greet every visitor with a welcome and secure experience. Give short-term access, accept deliveries, and keep a visitor log all from one system.

Join the thousands of companies using Kisi’s cloud-based visitor and access management system

makita logo
Colorado Plains Medical Center
Winter Haven
consensys logo
pga logo
westhive logo
CRL logo
Pacific Collect of Health and Science

Flexible visitor options for modern workplaces

Video intercom for unannounced guests

Enable a convenient method of speaking with visitors, visually authenticate them, and remotely unlock the door with the Kisi Intercom Pro. Simply connect it with the Kisi access control mobile app.

QR-based access for expected visitors

Offer visitors a seamless mobile experience without downloading an app. Send personalized, time, and place-restricted QR codes via email or SMS for temporary access with the Kisi Terminal Pro.

Dedicated visitor module for ease of management

Empower admins to manage visitors flexibly and keep track of all visitors in a separate workflow. Easily share access, oversee lists of past and upcoming visitors, adjust visit times, and cancel access as needed.

Seamless visitor management with modern access control

Simplify visitor workflows, keep front desk operations lean, and your audit log tidy. Talk to our security experts for a solution tailored to your needs.