A Comprehensive Overview of Safety and Security in the Workplace

Learn about what comprises workplace security, why is security important and how you should go about creating a safe and secure workplace.

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A Comprehensive Overview of Safety and Security in the Workplace

Learn about what comprises workplace security, why is security important and how you should go about creating a safe and secure workplace.

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Security is one of the most vital aspects that a person looks in a workplace before joining the company. It is the duty of the firm to provide a secure working environment to its employees. Therefore, proper security systems like CCTV and other security equipment should be in place so as to monitor the incomings and outgoings. Using biometric scans or other such devices ensure that only employees can enter or leave the office building. It is also important to conduct security checks from time to time such that the loopholes (if any) can be can be looked into. The security system in place will thus be strengthened.

Which are the various aspects of workplace security?

What is Workplace Security?

It is basically the process to protect an employee from work related illness and injury and to make the workplace (building etc) secure from intruders. Every company should have an Environmental, Safety and Health Policy statement, in other words, a workplace safety plan (example of a workplace security policy).

Security in workplace
‍Security in workplace

The Importance of having a Workplace Security Plan

Along with the physical security of the employees, it is essential to ensure that important data, networks, software, equipment and company’s assets are also protected. According to a research, near about 2.8 billion customer data records were hacked into by the end of the year 2017.

A productive work environment with a secured plan

As mentioned earlier, a company must have a security program in place. A person will feel secure knowing that the building s/he works in is secured. When it comes to data security, it is important to have a protected network such that it is not easy to hack into. Moreover, the network should not be shared with any outsider and should be strictly for office purposes.

Lower employee turnover rate if the work environment is safe

Employees will, of course, be insecure if the area the office is situated is not too secure. Furthermore, if the building does not have any security system then they will slowly back out of the company. The number of absentees will gradually increase. To avoid more dropouts or absentees it is important to implement security in the workplace.

Higher standards of the workplace

With a proper security program in place, the company premises will have higher standards. It will also ensure that a neat and clean environment is maintained.

Happier employees with a proper security plan

If the critical data of the company and its employees are secured, the working environment is much healthier. Communications among employees will increase and it contributes towards a happier workplace.

Fewer insurance claims if the employees are protected

Insurances are as important as security in the workplace. A firm should take all the precautionary steps to protect its critical data and employees. Regular security checks should be done to check whether the plan is foolproof or not. Changes must be brought in from time to time as it becomes easy for the hackers to into an old system. These steps will lead to fewer insurance claims by the employees.

The employees—a company’s most valuable asset is protected

The employees form the backbone of a company. Protecting the employee details and the workplace means keeping everyone secure.

Better chances of retaining clients

If the critical data of the company and its employees are secured, the working environment is much healthier. Communications among employees will increase and it contributes towards a happier workplace.

A safety plan will reduce business costs and disruption

A company is less likely to lose its finances due to break-in or a cyber attack if there is a strong security plan in place. The company will not lose its vital projects or employees. This, in turn, reduces business costs to a great extent.

Workspace Security
‍Access control system

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Security Tips for the Workplace

One of the best ways of implementing a strong security system in the workplace is to have access control facility. An access control system runs on software that is essential for managing and monitoring who has access to the doors, printers etc. As a matter of fact, unauthorized access to buildings is one of the biggest threats for companies.

  • Gates: If the opening and closing of the main gates of the office building are a part of the access control system then, the security check starts at the entry level itself. It should be paired with a surveillance device like CCTV such that the staff can confirm the entry of a visitor. The opening and the closing of the gates are generally operated through specialised locks.
  • Exterior doors: After the main entrance (gates) comes the security of the exterior doors. The employees can simply use their ID cards to open the doors or use biometric scans while the visitors are directed to a particular entrance. A visitor’s card should be given to them for the time they are in the office building.
  • Accounting areas: There should be limited access to the HR and accounting areas. The employee or the visitor should have to take permission to get clearance to these two departments.
  • Data closets and warehouse areas: Network security should be another priority of the company. Access to server rooms or data closets should thus be limited. The same goes for warehouse areas. For more info, check out our server room security guide.
  • Electrified lock: The three types of electrified lock (electric strike, electromagnetic lock and electrified hardware) are easy to install in the frame of the door.
  • Contactless readers: It includes contactless smart card and standard prox. It has an easy installation process. If the access control system is changed in the then, it necessitates changing the smart cards.
  • Biometrics: The biometrics has become a common part of the security system used in the office buildings. Fingerprint, retina and hand geometry are some of the common variations of the biometrics.

A company should thus employ a strong security system and the employees should also co-operate to ensure their safety and the safety of critical information.

Here are the most important aspects of workplace security that are highly beneficial for your company, read on to know more!