IS-906 Workplace Security Awareness by FEMA

IS-906 is a workplace security awareness course developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to train emergency response personnel.

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Just like with many things in life, we often take security for granted. When it’s good, everything’s fine. People may occasionally hear about cases of corporate theft or hacking attacks in media reports, but only a few are concerned that their company’s security can also be threatened. Many organizations do not have their security vulnerabilities identified, and because of that do not suspect any severe blow to their own safety and reputation.

Unfortunately, as technology evolves and becomes all-digital, all-electric and all-automated, vulnerabilities heighten. Even such giants as Equifax have their security failings. That’s why the principle ‘forewarned is forearmed’ should be topical for any company. Is906 is a great solution to proactive safety culture, because it is designed to give a comprehensive approach to security.

What is IS-906? #

IS-906 is an one hour training program will help organizations improve overall security in their workplaces. The course outlines the common safety hazards that an organization may encounter:

1) Access and security control threats

2) Criminal and terrorist threats

3) Workplace violence threats

4) Information and cyber threats

Workplace Security Awareness Course and Access Control #

Unauthorized entry to an organization’s facilities or access to sensitive areas by personnel who hold no permission is the first threat that any brick-and-mortar company can face. Therefore, FEMA prioritizes the importance of safeguarding against unauthorized access. The following steps should be taken in order to ensure physical security:

1) There should be only a limited amount of access points.

2) Entry control system should be robust.

3) Access to such areas as key assets, roofs and HVAC systems should be restricted.

4) People entering the premises must be identified thanks to badges, card readers, biometric technology, etc. Badges must be worn at all times. Exchange/borrowing of a badges is prohibited. Loss of a badge must be reported immediately.

pass cards and card readers
Pass cards should be individually encoded and include information about employee’s access level

5) Access points and restricted areas must be signposted.

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Basic Control Procedures #

In order to comply with the guidelines outlined in the Workplace Security Awareness Course, companies have to implement the following basic control procedures:

1) Conduct identification checks

2) A number of employees who have keys and identification cards should be limited. There must be a procedure that outlines how ID cards can be obtained.

3) Verification procedures for delivery of materials, equipment, or supplies must be in place.

4) There must be an up-to-date database of employee-owned cars. Vehicles left in illegal zones must be searched.

5) Contractors, customers, vendors and temporary personnel should have limited access to the premises. Also they must have a visitor’s badge and be escorted. It is advised that employees notify security personnel of an unknown individual if he/she does not have any identification, seems lost or has a suspicious appearance.

visitor passes
‍Just like employees, visitors should also be identified with the help of badges

6) Receiving staff members must be trained to identify suspicious items.

7) It is a responsibility of every employee to report situations that may put company’s security in danger.

By taking the Workplace Security Awareness Course any organization will prevent possible threats to security and make employees aware that they an integral part of an organization’s safety.

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