Getting Verizon Cybertrust Certified

The Verizon Cybertrust Certification provides organizations with a process for ongoing risk management and mitigation.

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What is Verizon Cybertrust Compliance? #

After Verizon Business acquired CyberTrust in 2007, it has become one of the largest managed security services providers that offers security solutions to corporations. It manages other companies’ network security systems, and addresses31 policy categories including Access Control.

For an organization, Verizon Cybertrust compliance means that its security policies, control and procedures are in force, and a set of strict security requirements have been met. This, in turn, assures that a company is committed to delivering security of the highest standard and is safe to cooperate with.

Verizon Cybertrust Compliance and Physical Security #

According to 2017 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report, physical theft and loss also ranks rather high among the various categories of data breaches.

‍Types of incidents by source

It goes without saying that for any brick-and-mortar company physical access control is of top priority whereas security is concerned. Whether it is a warehouse with household appliances, a technology company or a manufacturer with a know-how technology, unauthorized access might lead to physical theft or jeopardy of the intellectual property.

Verizon Cybertrust physical security compliance presupposes a comprehensive approach to security of facilities, authentication credentials, electronic devices and data.

Cardkeys or biometric devices serve as tools for your employee’s authorization to enter premises. However, visitors and contractors should also be easily identified. Giving a lanyard of a different color to an external visitor together with a cardkey will make them stand out from a crowd of your personnel.

Implementing multi-factor authentication instead of two- factor authentication appears to be a good solution in the era of frequent cyberattacks.

Surveillance cameras and monitoring also constitute part of a company’s physical security measures.

Verizon Cybertrust physical security compliance also presupposes authentication to online systems, logical access to workstations and networks, identification and designation of key and/or sensitive positions, password policy including length, age, construction, etc.

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How to implement Verizon Cybertrust compliance? #

Verizon Cybertrust compliance goes beyond Verizon Cybertrust physical security compliance and encompasses all aspects of information security. You can certify your enterprise, perimeter, application, business or website and receive a Verizon Cybertrust Security Certification seal which assures of security of the highest standard.

Any organization considering compliance with Verizon Cybertrust requirements must begin with documenting and implementing company’s information security policies and standards as well as security controls. It must identify sensitive information and take steps to safeguard it. Data protection and data communication standards are of crucial importance too.

By enforcing Verizon Cybertrust Compliance any organization builds credibility, reinforces its security measures and safeguards against possible insider and external breaches. And being proactive always returns, as in the digital era you never know when to expect a physical break-in or a hacker attack.

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