Everything you should know about a water alarm

Flood alarms are an essential tool that can prevent damage caused by leakage.

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What is a water alarm? #

A water detector is a special electronic device that sets off an alarm when its sensor detects a presence of water. Thanks to a water alarm you can find out about a slow leak in a slab, a water heater or a pipe, which otherwise could go unnoticed for months.

Flood can wreck havoc with your finances

Why is it important to have a water alarm? #

Having a water leak alarm helps you avoid an extensive damage that can happen to any home as a result of floodwater.

When we think of flood consequences, the first thing that comes to our mind is property damage. Physical damage caused by water devalues your property. Repair is costly and sometimes requires remodeling. However, the problem does not stop there.

Even if the situation is not grave, and you quickly drain the water, dry the floor, walls or furniture, the risk of mold growth is very high. Moist causes mold spores to multiply within only 24 hours after a leakage. They pollute the air and pose a threat to a human health. Sneezing, allergy and even asthma can be triggered by fungi. Mold is very hard to get rid of because its spores proliferate wherever there is dampness.

By installing a water alarm that detects moisture as soon as it appears you prevent water damage that can empty your pocket and have a detrimental effect on your life.

How does a water alarm system work? #

There are two types of flood alarms: active and passive.

Passive alarms are usually placed on the floor near appliances. They have flooding sensors that are water sensitive. Once they become wet, a signal is sent to the alarm panel and the alarm sounds. Passive alarms are battery-powered and need to be regularly checked.

water alarm
Some water alarms have a water sensitive wire that alerts you to leaks via the alarm connected to it

Active alarms not only detect water but also shut off the water supply. A water leak alarm is usually integrated into the water system. For that reason, it costs much more than a passive flood alarm. Its installation requires work of a technician.

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Latest Features of Water Alarms #

Many of the modern home water protection systems present an active water leak alarm that includes wireless sensors, an alarm panel and a valve. Sensors can be placed throughout your house. If any of the appliances start leaking, a signal is sent to the panel. An alarm is set off to the valve which immediately shuts off the main water supply. At the same time, an owner is informed of leakage via a smartphone app. Thanks to the state-of-the-art technology your property can be protected even when you are away.

Conclusion #

As you can see, a water leak alarm can save you a lot of trouble associated with flooding. Whether you go for a passive alarm or a flood monitoring system, you take a proactive approach to man-made floods. Because leakage can happen at any home anytime, it’s better to be prepared for it rather than deal with its grave consequences.

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