Kisi integrations | Access control software

The Top 5 Integrations of JumpCloud

As workplaces around the world use more interconnected applications and devices, there is a need to coordinate all of th

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Top 5 Integrations Jumpcloud

Updated on December 01, 2022

Written by Ashley Davis

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As workplaces around the world use more interconnected applications and devices, there is a need to coordinate all of these into an accessible and easy to manage format.

One of the most important parts about using multiple applications and devices is security, but remembering and coordinating individual login details for each one can be a nightmare, especially for companies with thousands of users who are operating at scale.

For this reason, integrations with applications like JumpCloud are particularly useful, which is why we’re exploring the Top 5 Integrations JumpCloud can provide.

Top 5 JumpCloud Integrations #

1. G Suite #

G Suite is a useful set of applications, as it immediately lets all users operate from the cloud, which is great if you’re working with an international or remote workforce. However, not all businesses have fully migrated all their user directory data to the cloud yet, so in this case, as one of the Top 5 integrations JumpCloud provides, IT administrators can grant login access to all G Suite apps across the board.

In addition, since G Suite is cloud-based, it also doesn’t easily provide Single Sign On (SSO) access to other devices and networks, which JumpCloud can offer. In this way, administrators can not only coordinate access to the full suite of Google applications but also to company-wide IT resources like WiFi and even other operating systems.

2. Office 365 #

Following on from the previous point, integrating web applications with additional devices and networks is important in any organization, especially when it comes to the Office 365 suite, which many companies may have been using with legacy on-premise systems.

Microsoft integrations are important for many large companies operating at scale who have these systems entrenched, therefore linking Office 365 is one of the most useful JumpCloud integrations for Windows users.

This not only allows easy integration with web apps but also with a variety of other IT resources.

3. #

In the above points, we’ve covered the basics of integrating suites of web applications and even hinted at the broad range of capability that SSO can provide to users.

However, even with all the basics covered, with coordinated access between cloud and on-premise systems, there is still room to take things a bit further with automation.

For this reason, using software like is a useful company endeavor, since it allows you to not only connect all of your IT resources in a streamlined way.

With Jumpcloud and the Tray platform integrated, business professionals can enjoy using all their favorite software tools and sync all their data and connect different applications with ease.

4. Workato #

Connecting all of your IT resources and being able to manage user authentication from a central dashboard is an important part of regulating activities in a large scale company.

Workato provides the same kind of automation integration as, in that all company-wide activity can be taken a step further.

Jumpcloud integrates easily with Workato so that you can establish connectivity between multiple apps, which makes broad online communication easier than ever before.

5. Kisi #

In the above article, we’ve covered a range of possible connections between web-based applications and on-premise systems and devices, including WiFi. However, what we haven’t covered yet is the kind of authentication that comes with physical security systems.

In fact, with many large scale companies setting up offices all around the world, this might be one of the most important integrations, from a security standpoint.

Because of this, an accessible connection with Kisi is one of the top integrations JumpCloud can provide. This integration allows for easy physical access control to multiple premises by regulating authentication and access to certain places and doors.

Final Thoughts #

By covering a variety of applications that integrate with JumpCloud, from user authentication for web apps to automation and access control, we’ve given you a broad overview of the usefulness of this type of software, in streamlining all manner of company activities, both digital and physical.

Ashley Davis

Ashley is obsessed with words, Chinese food and all things tech.

Save time. Enhance security.

Modernize your access control with remote management and useful integrations.

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