Kisi news

Superpowers Meet Security

See how Wanda Maximoff uses her powers to unlock the S.W.O.R.D. headquarters which is secured by Kisi’s access control system.

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Kisi Reader in WandaVision

Updated on December 01, 2022

Written by Bernhard Mehl

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Extraordinarily powerful, Wanda Maximoff has fought both with and against the Avengers. In the streaming series, Marvel Studios’ "WandaVision," she uses her magical powers to unlock the S.W.O.R.D. headquarters which is secured by Kisi’s access control system.

As many of our customers have noticed, in Season 1, Episode 8 Wanda activates a Kisi Reader Pro with her powers in order to meet S.W.O.R.D.’s director in room 101.

What this means for us at Kisi #

For us at Kisi, having our product feature in the futuristic, high-security setup of the S.W.O.R.D. headquarters has been inspiring! It’s things like this that motivate us to keep pushing the limits and build products that combine the highest possible level of security with modern features that delight the end-user.

Our vision of the ultimate security system is one that connects people with spaces in the most seamless possible way. Our IP-based Kisi Reader Pro has its own “superpowers” which are leveraged by thousands of users every day:

  • AI-powered mobile unlock
  • Remote unlock and lockdown
  • Touchless access
  • Over-the-air updates

In the Marvel universe, telepathic unlocks would be added to that list :).

We believe the people who manage facilities and help others live and work in those facilities are the real superheroes among us. Today there are so many tough manual tasks that need to be executed when managing a workplace. At Kisi, it’s our duty to remove the manual tasks and give more power to managers. A superhero shouldn’t have to spend time handing out keycards, manually registering visitors or running cables. They should have advanced tools like Kisi to take care of all that and be able to focus on what their core mission is: improving workplace operations and people’s wellbeing.

The next stage of evolution for our system is to find an even simpler way to deploy and set up an advanced security solution. There should be no magic required whatsoever to roll out high-security systems. On the administrative side, we want to keep adding more powers to our admin dashboard so that facility managers can control “their world” (known as facilities) and keep on top of everything.

Welcome back to the office, superheroes!

Stay tuned!

The Team at Kisi


Bernhard Mehl

Bernhard is the co-founder and CEO of Kisi. His philosophy, "security is awesome," is contagious among tech-enabled companies.

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